Thursday, December 6, 2012

CooperAerobics - The Link Between Brain Health and Supplementation

CooperAerobics - The Link Between Brain Health and Supplementation
As there is not a cure for Alzheimer's at present, listen up to a strong preventative via nutrition!

CooperAerobics - The Benefits of Interval Training

CooperAerobics - The Benefits of Interval Training
These programs are designed specifically for each client at One-to-One.  They are shown to be beneficial for weight loss, longevity, as well as many health markers.  Put One-to-One on your "checking it twice" list and call us for more information.

CooperAerobics - Does the Order Really Matter?

CooperAerobics - Does the Order Really Matter?

Read this to better understand (and dispel myths relative to this topic) better nutritional habits.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Have Researchers Discovered the Ideal HIIT Formula?

Have Researchers Discovered the Ideal HIIT Formula?

At One-to-One many clients do interval training for a variety of health and performance reasons.  Staying on top of the research in this area adds greater value and improved outcomes to my clients.

Successful Dieters Learn It Before They Lose It

Successful Dieters Learn It Before They Lose It

As a professional Wellness Coach, this is exactly what we help clients to do.  Set yourself up for success and call One-to-One today!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

CooperAerobics - Guide to a Stress-Free Holiday

CooperAerobics - Guide to a Stress-Free Holiday

Remember . . . it is up to you to design this time of the year; go with the flow!

CooperAerobics - The Breakdown of Eating a Holiday Meal

CooperAerobics - The Breakdown of Eating a Holiday Meal

A One-to-One client tip is to "taste test" all that is offered (meaning a small spoonful) of each item offered.  Savor the flavor and then focus on the people and the other experiences of your holiday gatherings!

Monday, November 19, 2012

5 Ways Technology Can Help Your Clients Be More Physically Active

5 Ways Technology Can Help Your Clients Be More Physically Active

To make your shopping easier this season, remember One-to-One offers gift certificates and products that are easy to use for those wanting to be happier and healthier in 2013!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Study Shows Health Coaches Effective in Helping People Lose Weight, Live Healthier Lives

Study Shows Health Coaches Effective in Helping People Lose Weight, Live Healthier Lives

As a Wellness Coach, I have assisted many people in "losing" 20, 30, 40 pounds and more.  Through their desire to change coupled with my skills as a Coach, they have drastically improved their health and happiness.  Don't wait until the New Year - contact us now!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Don't forget our gift certificates (see side bar on blog) for almost everyone on your holiday shopping list.  We will customize as you wish!  May the holidays begin!!!!

Make Your Plan To Stay Active This Holiday Season | Today I Will

Make Your Plan To Stay Active This Holiday Season | Today I Will

One-to-One clients will be strategizing their holiday "be well and happy" plans far in advance.  You can do it, too; simply take these suggestions and put them to work for you!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Does the Season Change Affect Your Health and Fitness?

Does the Season Change Affect Your Health and Fitness?

If this describes you, click on the link, read, and then call One-to-One Personal Training and Wellness Coaching for a helping hand!

10 Health Tips for Surviving the Holidays

10 Health Tips for Surviving the Holidays

Refer to these tips over the next two months.  It will prevent a new year's resolution of "lose the 10 pounds I gained over the holidays"!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

CooperAerobics - Focus on a Healthier You

CooperAerobics - Focus on a Healthier You

Designing  and implementing programs for our clients helps them achieve their health goals and live happier, healthier lives!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

CooperAerobics - Six Tips to Overcome Work-Related Stress

CooperAerobics - Six Tips to Overcome Work-Related Stress

Timeless advice for all of us whether we work full-time outside of the home, part-time, or are involved with responsibilities at home and in our communities.

CooperAerobics - Master Mindless Munching

CooperAerobics - Master Mindless Munching

I LOVE the "Apple Test" - great tip!

CooperAerobics - Getting Fit for Life

CooperAerobics - Getting Fit for Life

At One-to-One, we emphasize all of these suggestions to our clients.  That is why our clients are happy, goal-oriented, and achieve their goals in a timely fashion.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Overcoming Self Doubt

I was recently faced with the need to complete my continuing education credits for the year (yes, I had procrastinated as this needed to be done by the end of August). After deciding to do this via on-line testing sessions available through by certifying agency, I continued to do everything BUT starting this process. It seemed overwhelming to sit at the computer to do this project which required a great deal of time but also my brain energy as well. Which of these was the major contributor to my procrastination - yes, it was the need to use my brain as a student of the newest research. So I broke this down into several steps: reading the research, answering the test questions off-line, going on-line and entering my answers, printing off my certificates of completion (I passed all tests with "flying colors" - yeah!), and contacting my certifying agency to renew my certification. Yes, this all took hours and hours of time but it especially encouraged my brain to fire some neurons that had not been in use for awhile. When I completed all of this, I felt accomplished with a renewed sense of my intellectual capabilities and techological capabilities as well.

Bottom line, when self doubt creeps in look at the factors that are contributing to this and do a reality check. You are capable, you can overcome insecurity of self, you can process new information. You are me and I am you - we all struggle mightily with these times of self doubt. But does it ever feel rewarding once we see our reality - we CAN do what we must to move forward in our professional and personal lives.

Carry on and light that fire within you on this very day!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


There are times in our life when we feel the need to simplify that which has become too complicated or time-consuming or costly. With the recent storm and the subsequent power outage at my home, I was reminded of a simpler time; I needed to carry water from a pond in order to flush a toilet - I read magazines and books rather than watching television - I slept with windows open rather than turning on the air-conditioning. I was actually reminded, too, of how it felt to have once lived in a smaller home with a small yard space; much simpler to care for and equally enjoyable as a larger home and large surrounding property.

When we realize the need to simplify in order to enjoy what truly matters to us, it may take patience and time and planning to do so. Making a change to simplify may also come with a downside (or two or three!). But to look at the long-term advantages - more time to do those things we truly value, for example - may be worth these downsides.

What can you simplify in your life beginning today? Weigh carefully the upside and the downside. If the upside weighs "heavier" begin to bring your simplifying change to fruition one step at a time.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

No Time Like the Present

This day is the day to begin to make a change for yourself. Plenty of outdoor activities avail themselves to us for the next several months. If you wish to make a change but are not getting results, call One-to-One Personal Training and Wellness Coaching. Whether you wish to reduce body fat, get stronger and more toned, or decrease pain and discomfort, or just to feel healthier in general, we would love to have the opportunity to allow you to realize your goals. If you do not live in the immediate area for personal training, consider utilizing Wellness Coaching, a profound behavioral change tool to help you live the life you are wanting to live. Wellness Coaching is done via telephone one time per week to assist clients with nutrition goals, exercise adherence, stress reduction, organizational goals, and relationship building.

Call One-to-One today! There is no better time to begin your process of positive change.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

What should I eat before and after my morning, afternoon or evening workout?

What should I eat before and after my morning, afternoon or evening workout?

Feel like your workouts need "energy"?  Look at the nutrition component and see how it can fuel your movement!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Some basic tools for neck pain!  Thank you The Biomechanics for posting.  Please consider One-to-One for a complete Corrective Exercise program for joint and muscle discomfort. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cooper Aerobics: Breaking Down Fats

Cooper Aerobics: Breaking Down Fats: Not all fats are created equally. Certain fats are essential to a healthy diet while others are not. Our bodies need a certain amount of...

Eat lean, but still get quality protein!

Cooper Aerobics: Walk into Shape

Cooper Aerobics: Walk into Shape: Do you enjoy a good cardiovascular workout but running or jogging isn't your favorite way to do it? Walking is a great way to get in shape w...

Walk right into One-to-One's services to assist you take your program to the "next" level when you are ready!

Cooper Aerobics: Create a Colorful Plate

Cooper Aerobics: Create a Colorful Plate: The United States Department of Agriculture recommends that half of your plate is full of fruits and vegetables. By focusing on plant ba...

Great suggestions for One-to-One clients and all!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Patience . . .

A friend shared this photo of a water lily with me recently and that they are a symbol of patience. Life is always in transition, it is always shaky, always uncertain. To quote from Pema Chodron - "to stay with that shakiness - to stay with a broken heart, with a rumbling stomach, with the feeling of hopelesness and wanting to get revenge - that is the path of true awakening. Sticking with that uncertainty, getting the knack of relaxing in the midst of chaos, learning not to panic . . . this is the path of the warrior." May you all be peaceful and patient warriors and ask yourself "when things get edgy, am I going to practice peace, or am I going to war?" May you choose peace and patience, my friends.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Watch ACE Fitness Expert, Jonathan Ross, Discuss Getting the Most Out of a Short Workout

Watch ACE Fitness Expert, Jonathan Ross, Discuss Getting the Most Out of a Short Workout

Listen closely to the first topic Jonathan discusses - Sleep!  So under-rated for our total health and well-being, sleep is primary for all living beings.  So . . . sweet dreams!

What are 5 foods that people think are healthy (but aren’t)? Any healthy alternatives for them?

What are 5 foods that people think are healthy (but aren’t)? Any healthy alternatives for them?

This is solid information that One-to-One clients become aware of as they aspire to optimal nutrition for mind, body and spirit.

How can I sculpt my butt in time for bikini season?

How can I sculpt my butt in time for bikini season?

One-to-One is more about function, form, and feel-good than bikini season, but any way you look at it, these are great exercises that our clients perform all year-round to strengthen and shape the buttocks.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Who Are You . . . Really?
A question that I pose to new Wellness Coaching clients is "what would you like your coach to know about you"? This question is answered often relative to the life challenges that the client is presently facing. Other answers to the question "who are you" might be framed in other ways as well. If I were answering this question, I might explain that I am a mother to an adult daughter, that I am a sister to siblings and a daughter to two parents and I enjoy all these relationships. I am a "dancer" and someone who loves the outdoors. I am also someone who embraces each new dawn regardless of what the day may hold. As we answer the question of who we are, do not neglect to leave out those amazing aspects of ourselves that lift us up and truly contribute to the whole of ourselves. Namaste.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Cooper Aerobics: Beat Stress with Nutrition

Cooper Aerobics: Beat Stress with Nutrition: Meridan Zerner , MS, RD, CSSD, LD discusses the best ways to manage stress with a healthy diet plan. For more information on Cooper Cli...

True - enough said . . .

Cooper Aerobics: Healthy Plate

Cooper Aerobics: Healthy Plate: We’re celebrating good health through nutrition! This year’s theme for National Nutrition Month is “Get Your Plate in Shape,” helping y...

A change of season can be a motivating time to change our self care with food as well. Enjoy the beauty of the season and the beauty within.

Cooper Aerobics: Spring Break In Shape

Cooper Aerobics: Spring Break In Shape: March is here and spring break is just around the corner. Have you been falling behind on your workout routine? Are you anticipating a fu...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Although Corrective Exercise is not for everyone, if you experience joint and soft tissue (muscle) pain you may be a candidate for this programming. Through the past several years, I have worked with only one client who has not had a positive outcome and reduced or eliminated their pain and were able to return to living life fully. If you live in Fort Wayne, Indiana or New Haven, Indiana or surrounding communities, simply contact us today to learn more.

Monday, February 20, 2012

A Change This Day May Influence Your Future Tomorrows

We sometimes get so caught up in our daily routines that we neglect to reflect on how those choices may affect our future.
As I go through a challenging time with a family member who is having critical health challenges, I find myself having to make
important choices for myself - how much time can I devote to him before my own health and well-being start to break down. These are hard questions to ask and even tougher to find the answers. I try to find the middle ground as we go into the third week. For me, it is important to sleep and eat well and do my work as a personal trainer and wellness coach. Yesterday I got outside and took a brisk walk as a part of my personal care-taking before heading to the hospital. I will also give fully of myself to my clients today before once again being at the hospital.
So on this day, ask yourself - What two steps could you take immediately that would make the greatest difference in your current situation? Caring for and having your needs met today affects you and everyone else in the world.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

'Pains Explained: Knee Pain - Part 2'

'Pains Explained: Knee Pain - Part 2'

Check this out and remember you may be a candidate for One-to-One's Corrective Exercise Program for people living in Fort Wayne, Indiana and surrounding communities. Contact us to learn if Corrective Exercise may reduce or eliminate your knee pain!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Cooper Aerobics: Relieve Stress on the Spot

Cooper Aerobics: Relieve Stress on the Spot: There are days when you simply don't have time to let stress get in your way. If bad news, an argument or simply being overwhelmed by eve...

One-to-One is available to residents in the Fort Wayne, Indiana, New Haven, Indiana and surrounding communities to do Corrective Exercise. If you need your joint or soft tissue pains reduced or eliminated to enjoy life more, please contact us.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Comes the Dawn . . .
The morning always holds amazing possibilities for me - what seemed overwhelming just the night before has less hold over me in the morning. I can create the new day before me, alter my perception of all my experiences, and approach the new day with wonderment at what it might hold. Most often I realize in my a.m. reverie that I can have a tendency to magnify a situation and "give it a life of it's own" instead of simply observing it. I realize this magnification takes a tremendous amount of energy and so I continue to learn to reduce the dramatization of life events - most are not 911 emergencies and there is no need to react to them as such.
What do YOU do when you are really stressed and feel up against the wall? (Give yourself a hug if you realize that it takes less time to "catch yourself" and bring yourself back to a healthful balance than perhaps it once did.) There are many tools to use so that we do not become casualties of our life experiences but instead learn to shine on into another amazing morning of possibilities.
Call One-to-One Wellness Coaching if you need to re-tool! We are available to people all over the country including the Fort Wayne and New Haven, Indiana communities.

Please listen and contact One-to-One to aid you in addressing these soft tissue and biomechanical dysfunctions to eliminate or reduce pain and inflammation in the body.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Feel the sunshine and be happy on this day.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cooper Aerobics - Chronic Stress and Your Health

Cooper Aerobics - Chronic Stress and Your Health

Please listen to this message! I coach clients every week who are successful in untangling the knot of chronic stress behaviors.

Cooper Aerobics - Navigating the Grocery Store

Cooper Aerobics - Navigating the Grocery Store

We have all seen this information before, but do we listen and put it into practice?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Multitasking—a medical and mental hazard

Multitasking—a medical and mental hazard

This is as important to read and digest as anything else you may read on this day. Focus on the present - it may save your life or that of someone else. At the very least, it will allow you to feel calm and less anxious.
Be safe and live life fully - one precious moment at a time!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Thank you to Attendees of
Fort Wayne Dance Collective
2012 Wellness Retreat!

Kelly and I wish to thank all of you who attended our workshop and those of the other presenters at this year's Wellness Retreat. A big thank you as well to the Fort Wayne Dance Collective for hosting this annual event.
Please stay in touch with us - we would love to hear about your journeys!
What's Missing In Your Life?

When I feel "off balance" at times in the way I feel about myself and life in general, I always start with my personal life basics - am I getting quantity and quality of sleep, am I eating well, am I getting adequate exercise in all of its various forms, am I taking time in my relationships with those closest to me, am I creating downtime to rejuvenate? If the answer is "yes" to all of these questions, I look deeper and one of the questions I ask is - what's missing in my life, the presence of which would make my life more fulfilling?
Oftentimes, I find that my answer is that I am not cultivating my creativity - whether it be photographing something amazing outdoors, or doing a "craft" project, or that I am not dancing enough (yes, I literally mean dancing!). These types of things are important for me and if too much time elapses without them, I do not feel as whole as when I absorb myself in them.
Take a few minutes and ask yourself that simple question - What is missing that would make my life more fulfilling - then follow that thought into action and observe how you feel.
Be fulfilled this and every day!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Cooper Aerobics - Mini Band and Stick

Cooper Aerobics - Mini Band and Stick

Always encouraging that One-to-One utilizes all the current research and science in their client's programming. No need to travel to Dallas, Texas to learn this particular information!

Cooper Aerobics - Get a New Perspective

Cooper Aerobics - Get a New Perspective

Enough said!

Cooper Aerobics - Get Fit Guide

Cooper Aerobics - Get Fit Guide

Some New Year 2012 Basics to Live By! Remember One-to-One 6-Week Jump Start Packages are available Now to kick off what will be an amazing year for all of you! Contact us at 260/749-7226 to learn more about all of One-to-One's services available to Fort Wayne, Indiana and New Haven, Indiana residents and those in the surrounding communities. Behavioral Wellness Coaching is available to those living anywhere in the United States.