Thursday, January 26, 2012

Comes the Dawn . . .
The morning always holds amazing possibilities for me - what seemed overwhelming just the night before has less hold over me in the morning. I can create the new day before me, alter my perception of all my experiences, and approach the new day with wonderment at what it might hold. Most often I realize in my a.m. reverie that I can have a tendency to magnify a situation and "give it a life of it's own" instead of simply observing it. I realize this magnification takes a tremendous amount of energy and so I continue to learn to reduce the dramatization of life events - most are not 911 emergencies and there is no need to react to them as such.
What do YOU do when you are really stressed and feel up against the wall? (Give yourself a hug if you realize that it takes less time to "catch yourself" and bring yourself back to a healthful balance than perhaps it once did.) There are many tools to use so that we do not become casualties of our life experiences but instead learn to shine on into another amazing morning of possibilities.
Call One-to-One Wellness Coaching if you need to re-tool! We are available to people all over the country including the Fort Wayne and New Haven, Indiana communities.

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