Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Group Corrective Exercise - Are You Ready to Begin?

Follow the link to pamholtonetoone.com and view the September 12 blog post regarding this AMAZING program.  Because it is done in a group setting, the price is a fraction of the cost compared with doing it in a personal training session.
Deadline for enrollment is this Friday, September 27.  Don't miss this opportunity.
Feel free to call if you have questions, 749-7226, or e-mail at pam@pamholtonetoone.com.
Happy and energized or grumpy and tired?  Corrective exercise = happy and energized!
IPFW Conditioning for Performers

A big thank you to Brittney Coughlin and the students in the IPFW Conditioning for Performers Class for inviting me to instruct Self-Massage for Myofascial Release.  I am passionate about getting the word out on this method of self-care that reduces pain, inflammation and improves quality
of movement.  Your enthusiasm and participation in this class motivated me.  May it motivate all of you to continue what you learned and pass the "good news" on to others.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

One-to-One Now Offering Group Classes for Corrective Exercise

What is One-to-One Corrective Exercise (CE) and Who Benefits?

CE is a systematic process used to improve overall function of body movement resulting in less pain, better posture, less inflammation, and greater ease of movement.  This revolutionary approach incorporates structural assessments, self-myofascial release (self massage), active stretching, posturally correct body-weight-only movement patterns and life coaching strategies into a simple system that makes improved function and pain-free living a reality for people plagued by muscle and joint pain.

With over 30 years of experience, I have helped people from the ages of 30 to 90 restore their bodies to a healthier state.  From professional dancers to retirees, clients have avoided surgery, returned to their traditional exercise programs, resumed physical activity at work and continued high level pursuits such as running and dancing.  I hope YOU will join us!

2013 Class Details
Dates:      Wednesdays, October 2 through November 20 (8 Weeks)
Time:       6:00pm to 7:00pm
Location: One-to-One Studio, 5430 Green Road, New Haven, Indiana
Enrollment:  E-mail pam@pamholtonetoone.com or Call 749-7226
Enrollment and Payment Deadline:  Friday, September 27
Minimum/Maximum Class Size:  3/10
Fee/Refund Policy:  $200 for 8-Week Program (Includes All Written Materials)
                                   Checks or Cash Only
                                   Pay and Mail To One-to-One, 5430 Green Road, New Haven, IN 46774
                                   No Refunds After September 27
Instructor:  Pam Holt, Owner of One-to-One, Certified Personal Trainer and Wellness Coach
What to Wear and Bring:
Wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely.
You will need a mat or towel, 36" long round dense foam roller, a golf ball, and 2 tennis balls.
Items may be purchased from One-to-One for a nominal fee; please advise at time of enrollment.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Arthritis-Friendly Yoga

For anyone with achy joints and/or arthritis, I recommend a DVD from the Arthritis Foundation entitled Arthritis-Friendly Yoga.  It incorporates modifications for yoga poses that protect your joints, includes Sun Salutation, and a relaxation/meditation segment for additional pain relief.  Anyone can benefit from this at-home program.  Order on-line at www.arthritis.org.
Be well, and embrace the change in each new day!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Protect the Lower Body by Working the Core | Today I Will

Protect the Lower Body by Working the Core | Today I Will

This information (and much more that One-to-One can share) is important for those of you who have not just low back pain but hip and knee pain as well.

Hot Off the Presses From CI: Cardiorespiratory Fitness Strongly Linked to Heart Failure Mortality | Today I Will

Hot Off the Presses From CI: Cardiorespiratory Fitness Strongly Linked to Heart Failure Mortality | Today I Will

If you don't want all the statistics, just read to the end for recommendations on how much exercise and other healthy lifestyle choice you can make.  Remember, One-to-One can lend a helping hand if needed!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Today is the day that I send Corrective Exercise "client success updates" to Orthopaedics Northeast.  They refer to me and deserve to see how clients reduce or eliminate their pain with Corrective Exercise.  When we are pain free we are happier and have more energy!