Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Overcoming Self Doubt

I was recently faced with the need to complete my continuing education credits for the year (yes, I had procrastinated as this needed to be done by the end of August). After deciding to do this via on-line testing sessions available through by certifying agency, I continued to do everything BUT starting this process. It seemed overwhelming to sit at the computer to do this project which required a great deal of time but also my brain energy as well. Which of these was the major contributor to my procrastination - yes, it was the need to use my brain as a student of the newest research. So I broke this down into several steps: reading the research, answering the test questions off-line, going on-line and entering my answers, printing off my certificates of completion (I passed all tests with "flying colors" - yeah!), and contacting my certifying agency to renew my certification. Yes, this all took hours and hours of time but it especially encouraged my brain to fire some neurons that had not been in use for awhile. When I completed all of this, I felt accomplished with a renewed sense of my intellectual capabilities and techological capabilities as well.

Bottom line, when self doubt creeps in look at the factors that are contributing to this and do a reality check. You are capable, you can overcome insecurity of self, you can process new information. You are me and I am you - we all struggle mightily with these times of self doubt. But does it ever feel rewarding once we see our reality - we CAN do what we must to move forward in our professional and personal lives.

Carry on and light that fire within you on this very day!

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