Friday, March 23, 2012

Patience . . .

A friend shared this photo of a water lily with me recently and that they are a symbol of patience. Life is always in transition, it is always shaky, always uncertain. To quote from Pema Chodron - "to stay with that shakiness - to stay with a broken heart, with a rumbling stomach, with the feeling of hopelesness and wanting to get revenge - that is the path of true awakening. Sticking with that uncertainty, getting the knack of relaxing in the midst of chaos, learning not to panic . . . this is the path of the warrior." May you all be peaceful and patient warriors and ask yourself "when things get edgy, am I going to practice peace, or am I going to war?" May you choose peace and patience, my friends.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Watch ACE Fitness Expert, Jonathan Ross, Discuss Getting the Most Out of a Short Workout

Watch ACE Fitness Expert, Jonathan Ross, Discuss Getting the Most Out of a Short Workout

Listen closely to the first topic Jonathan discusses - Sleep!  So under-rated for our total health and well-being, sleep is primary for all living beings.  So . . . sweet dreams!

What are 5 foods that people think are healthy (but aren’t)? Any healthy alternatives for them?

What are 5 foods that people think are healthy (but aren’t)? Any healthy alternatives for them?

This is solid information that One-to-One clients become aware of as they aspire to optimal nutrition for mind, body and spirit.

How can I sculpt my butt in time for bikini season?

How can I sculpt my butt in time for bikini season?

One-to-One is more about function, form, and feel-good than bikini season, but any way you look at it, these are great exercises that our clients perform all year-round to strengthen and shape the buttocks.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Who Are You . . . Really?
A question that I pose to new Wellness Coaching clients is "what would you like your coach to know about you"? This question is answered often relative to the life challenges that the client is presently facing. Other answers to the question "who are you" might be framed in other ways as well. If I were answering this question, I might explain that I am a mother to an adult daughter, that I am a sister to siblings and a daughter to two parents and I enjoy all these relationships. I am a "dancer" and someone who loves the outdoors. I am also someone who embraces each new dawn regardless of what the day may hold. As we answer the question of who we are, do not neglect to leave out those amazing aspects of ourselves that lift us up and truly contribute to the whole of ourselves. Namaste.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Cooper Aerobics: Beat Stress with Nutrition

Cooper Aerobics: Beat Stress with Nutrition: Meridan Zerner , MS, RD, CSSD, LD discusses the best ways to manage stress with a healthy diet plan. For more information on Cooper Cli...

True - enough said . . .

Cooper Aerobics: Healthy Plate

Cooper Aerobics: Healthy Plate: We’re celebrating good health through nutrition! This year’s theme for National Nutrition Month is “Get Your Plate in Shape,” helping y...

A change of season can be a motivating time to change our self care with food as well. Enjoy the beauty of the season and the beauty within.

Cooper Aerobics: Spring Break In Shape

Cooper Aerobics: Spring Break In Shape: March is here and spring break is just around the corner. Have you been falling behind on your workout routine? Are you anticipating a fu...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Although Corrective Exercise is not for everyone, if you experience joint and soft tissue (muscle) pain you may be a candidate for this programming. Through the past several years, I have worked with only one client who has not had a positive outcome and reduced or eliminated their pain and were able to return to living life fully. If you live in Fort Wayne, Indiana or New Haven, Indiana or surrounding communities, simply contact us today to learn more.