Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Just Breathe

As I complete the listing of the upcoming workshops posted here, I realize my need for a deep breath! Is it a breath of relief (the past) - I finally overcame my technology phobia and have a website and blog! Or is it a breath of preparation (the future) - here we go into the unknown new year! Either way, breathing does not get the respect it deserves so I am placing it on a pedestal for the present.

Breathing techniques are advocated for relaxation, stress management, improving physical and mental health, and improvement of organ function including respiratory and cardiovascular function. Balance in our inhalation and exhalation can be easily disrupted by fatigue or stress. Attention to our breathing via breathwork techniques and mindfulness can help us ease stressful or uncomfortable situations and enhance our sense of "being well".

As you read, pause for a moment to "feel" the location of your inhaled breath. Is it high in your throat, your chest, or deep enough to expand your ribcage? Your ribcage is the ultimate destination.

Now, allow your jaw to relax, letting your lips and back teeth part. Draw a breath in through your nose deeply enough to feel your rib cage expand. Now, "press" the air out of your rib cage by contracting those muscles and feel the air flow up your throat and through your lips. Hear yourself breathe. Be aware that if your inhalation and exhalation are not balanced (not equal) you may feel lightheaded. Breath is quiet, smooth, deep, even, and free of pauses. Tune in to the feel of your breath as you inhale and exhale. Allow your mind to clear, recognizing that thoughts may enter . . . simply let them float away. Begin counting your breathing cycles for one minute. How do you feel? Practice counting your breathing cycles tomorrow for one minute and compare the number (less is more) to your first day. Practice counting your breath cycles the day after tomorrow . . .you get it! Practice daily to reap the rewards and give your breath the respect it deserves.

My best to you,


Sunday, January 3, 2010

One-to-One Launches New Web Site

I would like to announce the launch of my new web site I am very excited to use this new site to communicate my personal philosophy about optimal wellness, because I believe that it is an integrative process for living that promotes the positive, healthy, and resilient condition of the physical body, mind, spirit, and emotions. It also allows me to help people of all ages in Fort Wayne, Northeast Indiana, and Northwest Ohio find their own level of healthy living through personal training and wellness coaching.

This new site, working in conjunction with this blog, will educate people on the latest information on a variety of topics concerning personal training, wellness coaching, and creative movement. I'll also be posting links and articles of interest, along with dates for workshops, specialized programs and speaking engagements I'll be presenting in 2010.